Monday, October 3, 2011

A Rock Band, a TV Show and a Marketing Lesson!

Last week I was able to attend a live performance by a local band! We live in Los Angeles, so local bands are pretty much everywhere, however this performance was pretty special as one of the members is my son's guitar teacher. We've followed the band's progress over the past few months and we've watched them go off on tour and return to await their fortune.

It's an interesting story, but what's all this got to do with marketing? Well last week when my son was scrolling down the band's facebook page it suddenly clicked and I finally got their marketing strategy!  Here's what they're doing...

We've seen them build their facebook fans from just 1 to thousands in a very short time. We've also seen these fans ask desperately when their album will be available. "In the fall" is always their answer.  The record company obviously has a well though out plan. Although the fans are desperate, if they release the album now they risk fewer sales as their fan base is so small. They’re going to wait a few months till the fan base is larger, and release the album to a much larger audience resulting is much higher sales.

Here's the important lesson: too many businesses do what they do really well, but without a solid customer/fan base your services or product will go unnoticed. Spend time to work ON your business and build your customer base - THEN release your product or service to a much larger audience. More customers means more sales! 

Seems like common sense right? It is but so many small businesses continue to work IN their business doing what they do so well, without taking the necessary time needed to work on marketing and build their audience.  Remember – every band needs an audience and so do you!

Check back tomorrow for the second part of this article and see what a new TV show did to grab my attention and remind me of a second important marketing rule.

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